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Tag: Baltimore Traction Company

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Catonsville, Maryland, C. 1915. These no-nonsense chaps manned streetcars for the Baltimore Traction company. In those days, two-man crews were the norm, with a motorman at the tiller and a conductor to collect tickets and to be the first line of customer service. The car's signage references Hillen, York, and Frederick Roads, all of which still exist today in the city of Baltimore. Without additional documentation, it's not clear exactly how a streetcar would traverse those as part of one route.

A Look Back at the Men Who Manned the Baltimore Streetcars in 1915

Take a look back at the men who manned the Baltimore streetcars in 1915. This old photo shows two-man crews with a motorman at the tiller and a conductor to collect tickets. The car's signage references Hillen, York, and Frederick Roads, all of which still exist today in the city of Baltimore.

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